DOGYRACE IDO on Erax- all the info

2 min readNov 16, 2021


Participation Procedure of IDO:


SoftCap: 100k BUSD, HardCap: 250k BUSD

1 Ticket per person: 100 to 1000 BUSD

Starts 9:00am UTC Nov 18, Ends 9:00am UTC Nov 21

IDO price: 0.05 BUSD

Listing price: 0.08 BUSD

Unlock 20% at TGE (9:00pm UTC Nov 22), Followed by 40% monthly (9:00am UTC Dec 21 and 9:00am UTC Jan 20)

Users could use Metamask (or other wallets) connect to BSC network on ERAX to see the launchpad. When use mobile devices, users should use wallets with Dapp, connect to BSC network on ERAX to see the launchpad.

Attention: Metamask must be upgraded to the latest version. TrustWallet of IOS doesn’t have Dapp, so users have to use other wallets.

Click「WhiteLists」button, search for your wallet address to see if you are the winners of whitelist before IDO starts. Deposit enough BUSD in the wallet before subscription.

At the first 4 hours (9:00am Nov 18–1:00pm Nov 18), IDO will only open to the winners of whitelist. By 1:00pm Nov 18, if the hardcap is not filled yet, IDO will open to everyone. Never miss the chance.

About Erax:

ERAX is an industry-leading decentralized cross-chain platform providing manufacturing, collection and trading of NFT digital asset. ERAX pioneers the gameplay of “Time capsule” of NFT casting fusion, especially adding the incubation for NFT art creators and incentive mechanism. ERAX is committed to bringing more breakthroughs and innovations to the development of the NFT market.

More info about ERAX:



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About DogyRace:

DogyRace is a dog racing game based on RNG technology and built on Binance Smart Chain. Bet on the best dogs and create your own team. Discover the world of online racing and betting in a safe and easy way.

More info about DogyRace:



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A dog racing platform based on BSC Blockchain, you can buy NFT dogs and canodromes where you will earn a real percentage of profit and bet on races.